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ADAMA completed acquisition of major equity of plant protection business assets in Jiangsu Huifeng

发表时间:2021-06-28 11:53作者:Think Real

ADAMA Ltd. andJiangsu Huifeng Agrochemical Co., Ltd (Jiangsu Huifeng) released an announcementon completion of second phase acquisition transaction as disclosed previouslyon 31 May, 2021 that ADAMA completed transaction for 51% of equity of plantprotection business assets in Jiangsu Huifeng.

Phase one:ADAMA acquired 51% equity of Shanghai Dibai Plant Protection Co., Ltd.(Shanghai Dibai renamed to “ADAMA Huifeng (Shanghai) Agricultural TechnologyCo., Ltd”), according to announcement in Dec. 2020. The company was awholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Huifeng.

Phase two: inphase two transactions just completed, ADAMA acquired 51% major equity of ADAMAHuifeng (Jiangsu) Co., Ltd., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Jiangsu Huifengestablished recently to undertake TC synthesis assets and pharmaceutical assetsof Jiangsu Huifeng’s key plant protection.

The totaltransaction amount in two phases reached around USD192 million.

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