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Nanjing Red Sun: paraquat, diquat capacity utilization rate remains high

发表时间:2022-10-21 09:01作者:Think Real

Nanjing Red Sun Co., Ltd. (Nanjing Red Sun)responded to investors' concerns on the investor relations platform on 13 Sep.,2022.

Q1:What is the layout and progress of Nanjing Red Sun in pesticide R&D?

NanjingRed Sun: At present, Nanjing Red Sun has realized theoptimization, upgrading and technical reform of 7 industrial chaintechnologies, such as diquat dichloride, diquat dibromide, biochemicalglufosinate ammonium, paraquat antidote, neopyridine base, chlorantraniliprole,pyrethroid insecticides, to improve production efficiency or reduce theemission of three wastes.

At present, the subsidiary, Chongqing HuageBiochemical Co., Ltd. has completed and put into operation the 10,000t/a diquatdichloride project and 6,000t/a 2,3-dichloropyridine project, and is carryingout the preliminary procedures for the 2,000t/a chlorantraniliprole project.

Another subsidiary, Anhui Red Sun BiochemicalCo., Ltd. is actively promoting the new 10,000t/a diquat dichloromethane saltproject and the pyrethroid insecticide industry chain project with an annualcapacity of 5,000t/a.

Q2:What is the capacity utilization of paraquat, diquat and chlorpyrifos in 2022?

NanjingRed Sun: In 2022, the company has sufficient orders forits main products, and the capacity utilization rate of paraquat, diquat andother products will remain high and stable. However, chlorpyrifos is affectedby the shortage of upstream raw materials, and the capacity start-up rate islow.

Q3: What is theregistration status of diquat dichloride in foreign countries?

Nanjing Red Sun: The overseasregistration of diquat dichloride is being actively promoted, and theregistration certificate has been obtained in Paraguay and other countries.

Q4: Tell us aboutthe construction progress of 10,000t/a diquat dichloride project and 5,000t/apyrethroid insecticide project of Anhui subsidiary

Nanjing Red Sun: Theconstruction progress related to the new projects of Anhui subsidiary hasslowed down due to the epidemic prevention and control policy and the hightemperature weather, but the construction is now being accelerated.

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